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Local Authority wide consultation in response to our 101 Youth Project. As we are in the development stages of our opening, we would like to gather knowledge and understanding of members of West Lothians views on Sexual Health and Relationships.


Sexual health services are an important part of local communities, and it is important that people have their say to help us understand if current services are still meeting the needs of our young people.


This will also help us to understand where sexual health services are already performing well and identify any potential gaps to service delivery that need improvement. This way CLD Youth Services, Healthy Respect and C-Card can effectively work collaboratively to provide the best services as possible.

This Consultation was imperative in designing the training materials which are on the training materials tab. 


This allowed me to observe the key areas which needed to be explored in the training to put practitioners in a better position when speaking about some of the topics with Young People. 


I created an Infographic image representing the main data which was pulled from the consultation.

The data collected from this consultation will be shared with the following.

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